smart parking



The Parking Guidance System is one of the most modern and profitable systems around the world. It is suitable for those public indoor parking lots in office buildings, shopping malls, railway stations, airports, and hotels, which helps to raise the utilization ratio of parking spaces, strengthen the management and reduce the management cost. It is a necessary system for hi-tech parking lots, which resolves actual parking difficulties for drivers and pretties up the picture of estates.

Parking Guidance System

  • The Parking Guidance System simplifies the way parking works.
  • It assists your customers to find parking Lots by giving them the correct information.
  • The near 100% accuracy erases inefficiencies in the counting process by monitoring every bay and allowing every space to be utilized.

car parking, parking, smart parking

parking management system

Main Function of PGS

The main function of the parking guidance system (PGS) is that helps the driver find free parking spaces on different layers and sectors quickly. Using LED display and LED indicator to show the real‐time parking information (free/occupied parking space) to the vehicle owners. Moreover, the owners or operators can monitor the real-time parking information as well as collect and analyze statistical data about the utilization of each car park space.

Benefits of PGS

PGS has been proven to cut the customer’s time‐to‐park in half and result in a 3‐5% rise in visits. Simply put, the easier it is for customers to visit, the more customers will want to return again and again.

Customer Benefits
- Less time spent on locating free parking spaces.
- Less stress and increased ease of parking.
- Easy Location of Handicapped, EVCharge & Reserved places.

Owner Benefits
Customer Loyalty and Car Park reputation.

- Efficient Traffic and Occupancy management.
- Operational and Maintenance Reduction costs.
- Full remote control system with auto-pilot operability.
- Customizable Reports, RealTime Screens, and HeatMaps.
- Manage Guidance, Illumination & EVChargers from one site.



ULTRASONIC PARKING GUIDANCE SYSTEM provides a visual indication to drivers while searching for vacant parking spaces: an ultrasonic sensor at each space monitors real-time occupancy and reports by changing the color of individual lighted space indicators. A green light signifies that the space is vacant while a red light indicates that the space is filled or already occupied. In the meantime, availability information will be accordingly updated on decision point signs. No more guesswork for the driver as to which parking level has available spaces for parking.

CAMERA-BASED PARKING  GUIDANCE SYSTEM Multi-function parking sensor, you have complete control of your parking management system. Its built-in features will help you increase your parking capacity to 100%, track vehicles of interest, monitor customers, provide detailed parking statistics, and maximize your parking revenues.

- Camera-based sensor.
- One sensor monitors up to 6 spaces.
- “Find My Car” functionality and smartphone app.
- License Plate Recognition by lane or within defined zones in small parking to facilitate user’s car location.
- Video stream capture.
- Two-way audio output capability.
-  Wide angle, fish eye surveillance camera.
-Ability to create a “Black & White” list based on data collection.
-Car Recognition within each special parking space, such as EV charging spaces or reserved VIP bays.
-Combining Find Your Car with  Guidance System provides a car location service with great reliability.

parking system

Our seamless wayfinding continuum: The ultimate in sitewide parking guidance

parking management system